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A Sci-fi Parable March 5, 2014

Posted by worshipconvergence in Christianity.
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In the year 2300, society has been divided into two factions: the Yungins and the Oalfokes. Their governing body, the Delegation Of Orderly Fellowship, has been assembled to do what is in the best interest of both factions. In the early years of this societal structure, the leader of society as a whole, known as Luminary, overwhelmingly favored the Oalfokes in the decision making. A number of citizens assembled, hoping to achieve balanced favor from the Luminary. After a time, a new Luminary was selected, a Luminary who showed equal favor to both factions. For eight years there was balance, as the Yungins achieved more prosperous roles and the Oalfokes saw the same support they’d seen before this Luminary was installed. But after this eight year period, a third Luminary had to be selected, and the Kingdom wasn’t as fortunate. This Luminary revealed itself to be of the same mentality as the first, only favoring the Yungins while disrespecting, and at times, disowning the Oalfokes.

“In another Kingdom,” said the Luminary, “it was only Yungins. We treated the vocabulary of the Oalfokes as if it were swear words.” Within a year, one of the yearly Oalfoke events was turned over to the Yungins, and though that in itself wasn’t a big deal to most as there was a second event that same week, the Luminary made it known that they would only oversee the festivities of the Yungin-led event, and assigned an Emissary to oversee the Oalfoke-led event during the same week.

Some of those who were part of society long enough to remember the first Luminary tended to find themselves supporting this third Luminary despite the common discriminatory leadership, favoring one faction over the other. They’re quick to tell tale of the Luminary who wanted the Yungins’ lights out and wouldn’t attend events put on by the Yungins, but voice their support for the Luminary who wants the lights of the Oalfokes extinguished. Many of these supporters have risen to prominence as a D.O.O.F. While the D.O.O.F.’s state that they exist to do what’s in the best interest of the entirety of society, they continue to support a Luminary who doesn’t. It’s only a matter of time before society sees the discrimination and a new group assembles, hoping for balance to be restored…