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Uniquely Universal April 29, 2010

Posted by worshipconvergence in ministry.
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In all space, in all the universe, you are the only one like you. God has created you to perform a task in a way no one else can do it. Others may hold similar skills, jobs, etc. but you are the only one He created to do it a specific way in a specific location at a specific point in time. You are the only one who can plug in your purpose to the universe He created. Others may try to copy you, but they seek popularity that your purpose may bring you. Do not let yourself be swayed to coveting the skills of others, as they are created to perform that task in the way God has set for them. Do not place your expectations on those who are not created to do things someone else’s way, they are to do it as God created them.  We can all contribute to the Kingdom in God’s way for us, if we are willing, and willing to allow each other to contribute in their own God given way. We  should lift up and support each other, and take pleasure in each other’s accomplishments, for we are each uniquely universal.

The Hand that Draws April 5, 2010

Posted by worshipconvergence in personal.
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My journey into ministry.

There was a time when I didn’t want anything to do with this stuff, didn’t want to hear it, talk about it, or see it. If I couldn’t get away from it, I’d turn on, or at least hum, Metallica or Pantera or Marilyn Manson songs to drown out all things religion. That changed about a year and a half into my father’s battle with cancer. He lived through a major arterial bleed which should have killed him, or at least caused irreparable brain damage. In fact, if not for the bandaging he had to wear, you probably wouldn’t have been able to tell he’d been through this, he was up walking and mildly active, not stroked out and laying in wait of death, as it could have been.

The first Sunday after the incident was my first in church as a worshipper. Fourteen months later it was recommended to, and accepted by the lead pastor, that I take over a leadership role in one of the most prominent ministries in the church. A few weeks later, the week I took over, the lead pastor was offered, and accepted a new position that would take him from our church. So a new lead pastor was found two months later, and installed another two months after that. The new pastor’s visioning called for a more active outreach to the un-churched and de-churched members of the community- the type of person I had been and the pool of society I had just been drawn out of. God gave the new lead pastor exactly who was needed to help shepherd those to Him.

The hand that draws us is guided by a will that no one can discern. You think you know, but you have no idea. We are all loved, we are all forgiven, and we all accepted, but most importantly we are all needed right where His hand places us.